Happy Holidays {Family Session Highlights 2015}

The Holiday Season is such an amazing time in my year because I get to work with so many awesome people. This year was no exception. Not only did I get a chance to capture some very special return clients, but I also had the opportunity to meet some amazing new clients as well! One of my favorite things about my job is getting to capture the growth of my clients' families through out the years. It truly amazes me how quickly time goes by! I have been shooting many of these families from Maternity to Newborn to Family Sessions. I feel like the luckiest photographer in the world to give the gift of memories to my clients.

I waited awhile to post these because I know a lot of these images were intended to be used on Holiday cards and I didn't want to spoil the surprise. As I go through them all together in one grouping, I am amazed at how truly special this time of year is. The Holiday Season is about family and togetherness and going through these images made me feel overjoyed with so much love.

Wishing all of you a very Happy Holiday season with those you love! Thank you for an amazing season of Family Sessions...can't wait to do it again next year!




2015 {A Year in Pictures}


The 30 things I've Learned Before Turning 30